My wife and I decided to stop off in the Fiji Islands on our way back from Australia to the west coast of the U.S. For those of you unfamiliar with Fiji, it is in the far Pacific Ocean between …
OK, over the years I’ve had many different opportunities to get nice orders for my computer company. Here is one actual story, which may be hard to believe. We were in contention for a …
OK – getting into the Christmas spirit. How do you know it’s time? No. 1: Shopping becomes a contact sport. Now you never ever want to get between a bride-to-be and a …
Just for fun, I thought it would be interesting to look at human activity so stupid, so futile, and so empty of thought, that it should be a learning experience for us all. Let’s start …
There is a difference between intergalactic and interstellar travel. The first is travel between galaxies, while interstellar is travel between one-star system (with planets) and another. …
I’ve been fortunate enough to have traveled all over the world for my computer business. Here are a few stories about those travels. Who is the Duke of Edinburgh? I was walking down a …
In March 2018, I wrote about theoretical physicists’ view of time relative to our Universe (Stephen Hawking’s “A Brief History of Time"). This week I decided to write about time …
We are quite fortunate here in the Pacific Northwest in that we don’t have as many problematic bugs as say the Northeast or the Southeast. Mosquitos: While we do have them in our region, …
Most of us are glad the election is over. I know over 50 million people didn’t like the outcome, while about 75 million did like the outcome. Rather than taking sides (and telling you who …
In over 40 years of high-tech work, I’ve watched some great leaders and some not so great. Here are some observations of what I’ve seen. You have to be willing to do it all: …
We have a small family of eagles living in the woods behind our house. Almost every day they come down to the pilings on the water in front of us to fish. I thought about life by watching these …
I was watching a 1978 Warren Beatty movie called “Heaven Can Wait.” He plays a man who is taken to heaven by mistake before he was actually due to die. And the rest of the movie is …
OK, we’ve all read just about enough on Boeing. Frankly, as a student of business, I can’t open up the newspaper without reading yet another damaging article about Boeing’s …
Let’s start with a 10,000-foot look at our capitalist system. Clearly, the U.S. economy is considered the best in the world. It is twice as large as any other country (it’s China!) …
If you’ve read any of my previous columns, then you probably recall my strong interest in music. I find it one of the things that really makes life truly wonderful. Music, as an art form, …
I am a relatively recent transplant to the West Coast. I was born and raised in the northeastern U.S. So these observations are based on living the dream in the Pacific Northwest. Most East …
I’ve been trying to figure out how the world’s economic system works. Nothing too strenuous! Here’s what I’ve come up with so far. Quantitative easing (when central …
As I have not offended a sufficient number of people this week, I thought I’d write about two sports, both of which I play badly: tennis and golf. Tennis: I occasionally played tennis as a …
Let me start right off by saying I’m no longer a fan of air travel. Why? Simply because in the past 15 years or so, they’ve managed to dehumanize the entire experience. Let’s …
I define the silly season as the time between about now and the election this November. Why silly season? Because if you actually parse the words coming from candidates in both parties, you will see …