Over the past few years, I’ve thought and written about people-safety issues a lot. But I’ve never used the term “people safety,” instead using more restrictive terms like …
Editor’s note: Part 1 of Kevin Stoltz’s misadventures on light rail was published last week. A fter missing my flight at Sea-Tac, I hung my head low and made my way to the Alaska …
This month’s Reality Check is a two-parter and chronicles my (mis)adventures as an interstate commuter between Mukilteo and the Vail, Colorado area for almost four months without using a car. …
Reality Check has been on hiatus for the past several months. The reality is, I came to a point in July where I felt there was nothing positive I could write about. It seemed like I was rehashing …
It should come as no surprise to most who read this column that I’m passionate about safe pedestrian access to and at Mukilteo’s waterfront area. It needlessly has been and continues to …
Many years ago as a young engineer, one of my positions was as a noise staff engineer for the local aircraft manufacturing company. When interviewing for the noise staff position I remember my …
As I write this edition of Reality Check I’m reminded of the sheer beauty of the Mukilteo waterfront and one of the reasons we moved here so many years ago. For me, mornings begin with a jog …
Several months ago while planning a family trip to Kauai, my wife Dana and I had a choice of flying from Seattle direct to Kauai (LIH), or flying from Paine Field (Seattle Paine Field International …
The Sound Transit Lynnwood Link Extension (light rail to Lynnwood) is scheduled to open later this year yet there’s been no City Council discussion of how riders will get between the Mukilteo …
This month marks the third anniversary of the opening of the new Mukilteo Ferry Terminal. And in case you haven’t noticed, the combination of staff shortages, maintenance problems associated with …
This month marks 40 years for me in Mukilteo, a little over half in mid-Mukilteo and almost 20 years where we currently are in Old Town. When we (my wife Dana, son Zak, daughter Kate, and me) …
In this edition of Reality Check we’ll delve into the City’s proposed automated traffic safety cameras (RCW 46.63.170) on SR-525 southbound near Fourth Street (Rosehill Community Center/public …
In this Reality Check Update, I’ll have some quick updates followed by a list of issues impacting the Old Town/waterfront area that the City has been delinquent in adequately addressing. The SR …
Early November marks two significant events that will have a direct impact on the near-term and long-term success of Mukilteo’s waterfront. First, on Nov. 1, the Rosehill Community Center will …
This edition of Reality Check Update comes with a thank you, a questionable look at longer park hours at Edgewater Beach, some troublesome political “speak” from Mukilteo officials, and a …
Sometimes a series of events occur that just scream for a Mukilteo politics Reality Check sidebar to understand what really just happened. The plight of the Hawthorne Hall gym being opened to the …
As the busy season winds down in Mukilteo’s waterfront area, in this edition of Reality Check update we’ll discuss some of the problems experienced this summer with the hope that there will be …
Traffic congestion in Mukilteo's waterfront area has been a persistent issue, especially during the busy summer months. Unfortunately, this problem has been largely overlooked for years, and its …
After almost 40 years in Mukilteo, I now believe Mukilteo elected officials’ plan for the Mukilteo Old Town waterfront area is to make it a nice place to visit but not to live. While writing the …
The City’s general fund is an unrestricted fund that is the recipient of various tax dollars and is used to pay for various city projects, maintenance and operations. The City also has several …