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Beacon Publishing is the leading news source for Mukilteo, Edmonds, and Mill Creek.
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PRESS RELEASES Press releases are preferred as Word documents. Photos must be high-quality jpgs for the best quality in our newspaper and on our website. To submit a press release, select “Submit News” under the submissions tab on our website or email it to the editor below for the community you are trying to reach, with “Press Release” in the subject line. |
LETTERS to THE EDITOR We welcome letters of 400 words or fewer that pertain to issues and events in Mukilteo, Edmonds, and Mill Creek. They must include a name, city of residence, and phone number for verification. Letters may be edited for brevity, grammar, and taste. We will not accept anonymous letters. Send letters by using the Submissions tab on our website. |
PERSONAL NEWS Submit obituaries, births, engagements, and weddings by using the Submission tab on our website.
CALENDAR EVENTS We publish FREE events, open to the public in Edmonds, Mukilteo, Mill Creek and some surrounding areas. Submit calendar events for consideration using the Calendar tab on our website.
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Subscription matters
MANAGE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION You can manage your account on our website under the Subscribers tab. Our Circulation department can also be reached by email at circulation@yourbeacon.net or by phone at 425-347-5634 (after regular business hours, use ext. 239 to leave a message).