Monday, February 17, 2025
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Letters to the Editor

It seems that Mukilteo educators and students who object to studying "To Kill A Mockingbird" misunderstand its message. It is really not about Black people other than it does depict how little …

Now that the tally is near final, I am encouraged that nearly 3,800 of our citizens placed their trust in me to serve as a representative on their behalf. This is a responsibility I take seriously …

Now that the tally is near final, I am encouraged that nearly 3,800 of our citizens placed their trust in me to serve as a representative on their behalf. This is a responsibility I take seriously …

Thank you to everyone who supported, encouraged, voted for, and contributed to my successful campaign for City Council! I am so very grateful, honored, and humbled by the validation of my …

I am writing to recommend Mike Dixon for the Mukilteo City Council. I have known Mike for over 15 years as a friend and a colleague. He is an active listener who puts effort and intelligence into his …

At the Oct. 16 Mukilteo City Council meeting, Councilmembers Richard Emery and Riaz Khan rejected the recommendations of a City committee and instead sought to award grant money to a constituent …

Many of us know the “boiling frog” metaphor in which a frog thrown into boiling water will jump out, but a frog placed into tepid water will remain while the temperature is gradually increased to …

I support Richard Emery for Mukilteo City Council! Councilmember Emery is fully prepared prior to each council meeting and work session, has several council committee roles, including liaison to the …

I want to draw attention to my close friend of many years, Richard Emery, who is running once again for Mukilteo City Council. In these times of polarizing rhetoric offering little to no solution to …

Re-elect Richard Emery! Richard has lived in Mukilteo for more than 20 years and is a councilmember who values growth management, an emphasis on public safety, fiscal responsibility, the creation of …

I am writing to express my wholehearted endorsement of Mike Dixon as the ideal candidate for Mukilteo City Council position 5. In a time where our city requires thoughtful, informed, and …

Richard Emery will be getting our vote for City Council again in November. Richard is a voice of reason. He truly speaks for the people. He listens to all sides of the issue. He is intelligent and …

Riaz Khan is of man of great courage, conviction, and principle. I have known Riaz for years, since we were both candidates for City Council in our respective cities in 2019. Even back then, I was …

Editor’s note: The following Letter to the Editor is from City Council candidate (position 5) Mike Dixon in response to Kevin Stoltz’s Oct. 18 Reality Check column …

The Public Disclosure Commission (PDC) is responsible for interpreting and enforcing the campaign finance and disclosure laws in our state. The PDC investigates and publishes all enforcement cases …

Please add me to the list of local residents enthusiastically endorsing the reelection of Richard Emery to the Mukilteo City Council. Our future as a community and a unique living space is largely …

I was honored to serve the citizens of Mukilteo for 24 years (12 years on Park and Arts Commission, then 12 years on the City Council). During that time I worked with many electeds, then came to …

On Nov. 7, two candidates have Mukilteo’s best interests at heart. One is Richard Emery for City Council position 4. The other is Carolyn “Dode” Carlson for City Council position 6. Both are …

A top issue for me is preventing Mukilteo from being ruined by high-density housing. If this is also a concern for you, I strongly urge you to vote for Ashvin Sanghvi and Donna Vago for City …

We are writing to endorse Richard Emery for Mukilteo City Council position No. 4. Throughout his years serving Mukilteo, Councilmember Emery has shown unwavering commitment to our community. His …

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